Over the last nine years, your participation in CapRadio Reads interviews has helped support lively and insightful conversations with authors sharing their wealth of experiences and inspiration.
In 2020, like all organizations, we had to adapt to the changes brought on by the pandemic. For Reads, that meant a switch from in-person author events to live streamed events. As the pandemic lingers on, we have seen a decline in interest for these offerings, and we have unfortunately decided that it's time for the CapRadio Reads program, including the podcast, to end.
However, we still recognize that books play a significant role in our lives. We will continue sharing author interviews with Donna Apidone on Morning Edition, Insight, All Things Considered and on our website. And we will still keep the previous author interviews available for listening on this page. We hope you’ll enjoy the new format, and thank you for making the CapRadio Reads journey so meaningful.
If you’d like to receive notifications about any future author interview events from CapRadio, you can subscribe to our email list below.