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Manola Secaira is CapRadio’s environment and climate change reporter. Before that, she worked for Crosscut in Seattle as an Indigenous Affairs reporter.
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February 15, 2023
In the past, studies have suggested that areas where wealthier communities live face higher risks from wildfires in California. But a new report paints a different picture of who’s most impacted.
February 6, 2023
Shortly after the law was passed, oil and gas industry leaders launched a referendum effort aimed at repealing it. It will appear on the November 2024 ballot.
Environmental advocates have criticized California’s reliance on carbon-capturing technologies in its plans for carbon neutrality. This law aims to bring more focus to natural alternatives.
February 1, 2023
Researchers at Phillips Station near Lake Tahoe recorded a snow depth of 85.5 inches on Wednesday — almost double the average of what’s typically recorded at that location for February.
January 20, 2023
These at-risk areas include parts of California, Arizona, Oregon and other western states where wildfires have impacted both landscapes and communities.
January 12, 2023
Though some trees can be more vulnerable to falling than others, storms of this magnitude — and frequency — can threaten any tree. The city estimates around 1,000 trees have fallen since New Year’s Eve.
January 11, 2023
For the first time in years, most Sacramento weirs are active due to high levels of water in area rivers. However, officials say they currently don’t have plans to open the Sacramento Weir, which was last opened in 2017.
January 6, 2023
Researchers say this storm could help boost water supplies for the summer, but also reveals weaknesses in the state’s flood-prevention infrastructure.
December 27, 2022
From aspiring to end prison pipelines to wage increases and reproductive-rights protections, these new laws will affect change in the Golden State.
December 16, 2022
Nearly a fifth of the state’s giant sequoia population have been lost to wildfires in the last few years.