PG&E will be questioned by the California Public Utilities Commission at an emergency hearing scheduled for Friday, where the company will discuss how recent power shut offs were carried out. The CPUC is an economic regulator, doing its work after the fact. That’s part of what will happen on Friday.
During the power shut-offs, there were some who referred to San Diego Gas & Electric’s approach, which is quite different from PG&E’s.
That’s where Brian DAgostino comes in. He has a unique job. DAgostino is Director of Fire Science and Climate Adaptation at San Diego Gas & Electric. As a meteorologist, he has a particular perspective, and is playing a significant role in fire forecasting. He has pioneered SDG&E’s unique approach to energy management in fire weather conditions.
DAgostino joins Insight to talk about the strategy SDG&E employs to address fire safety. He serves as an advisor to the American Meteorological Society’s National Energy Committee.