Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitiFact California Checks Claims On Propositions 55, 60September 15, 2016Two of the high profile ballot measures for your vote this November in California could mean radical changes in the workplace, albeit completely different ones. PolitiFact California's reporter Chris Nichols joins us to talk about the two measures. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitiFact California Looks At Big Tobacco's Claim On Prop. 56August 31, 2016Big Tobacco opposes Proposition 56 and PolitiFact California reporter Chris Nichols focused on one of those opposition statements. He talks about the claim saying that Prop. 56 cheats schools out of at least $600 million a year. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitifact California Reporter Chris Nichols Explains Fact-Checking ProcessAugust 18, 2016Politifact California Reporter Chris Nichols explains what Politifact is on Insight to preview Thursday night's Political Junkie Meets Politifact California event at the California Museum. Joining him from the national Politifact is Angie Holan. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitifact Checks 'Half-Baked' Claim by Dianne Feinstein On Marijuana Prime Time AdsAugust 9, 2016California Politifact Reporter Chris Nichols joins us on Insight tonight to examine a hazy claim by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein stating that Proposition 64 would lead to prime time marijuana advertisements. Find out why it received its rating here. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitiFact Reporter Verifies Two Claims From Democratic National ConventionAugust 1, 2016California PolitiFact reporter Chris Nichols examines two fact checks, both directed at Republican nominee Donald Trump's running mate Mike Pence. One is by Gov. Jerry Brown and the other by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. Listen to Insight today for details. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitifact: More Gun Dealers Than McDonald's In CaliforniaJuly 19, 2016Does California really have more licensed gun dealers than McDonald’s? PolitiFact California reporter Chris Nichols decided to look into that statement and joins Insight today to talk about his discovery. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezCA Politifact: Arnold Schwarzenegger And Land ProtectionJuly 7, 2016Did Arnold Schwarzenegger really protect more land than any California Governor in history? A top official said it, and CA Politifact reporter Chris Nichols looked into it. Nichols joins Insight to discuss the claim. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitiFact California: Firearms, Sanders, ClintonJune 20, 2016PolitiFact California reporter Chris Nichols discusses his latest fact-checks from gun statistics to claims around Bernie Sanders and by Hillary Clinton. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitiFact California Checks Trump ClaimJune 2, 2016Since Donald Trump visited Sacramento for the first time yesterday, it seemed like a good time for a presidential candidate fact check. PolitiFact California Reporter Chris Nichols joins us to share and discuss his latest fact-check. Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.
Insight With Vicki GonzalezPolitiFact: Nevada Democratic Statewide ConventionMay 20, 2016PolitiFact reporters, Riley Snyder (Nevada) and CapRadio’s Chris Nichols, join Insight to discuss the Nevada Democratic convention fraud story & share some related fact-checking about Pat Buchanan’s claim about the language Californians speak at home Listen / download audio Update RequiredTo play audio, update browser or Flash plugin.