Gov. Sandoval Proposes $7.3 Billion Budget; Urges Lawmakers To Raise TaxesJanuary 15, 2015UPDATED Jan. 16, 7 A.M. - Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has unveiled a budget that would raise taxes by more than one billion dollars-- and give the majority of that back to schools.
Transcript: Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval's 2015 State Of The State AddressJanuary 15, 2015Transcript of Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval's State of the State address, delivered Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015, in the Nevada Assembly Chambers.
Transcript: Nevada Democratic Response To State Of The State AddressJanuary 15, 2015Marilyn Kirkpatrick, Democratic leader of the Nevada Assembly, delivered the party's official response to Gov. Brian Sandoval's 2015 State of the State Address.