Eppie Johnson Eppie Johnson is celebrating a few important numbers: He’s had a milestone birthday, his Great Race has hit a big anniversary and he crossed the 1-million dollar mark in donations to Sacramento County Therapeutic Recreation Services. The upcoming 40th annual Eppie’s Great Race, “The World’s Oldest Triathlon,” is scheduled for Saturday, July 20, 2013.
"The Prisoner of Carrot Castle" Did you know that Monday was, "National Eat Your Vegetables Day?" And that June is "National Fruits and Vegetables Month?" Author Chris Pedersen's interactive, multi-media version of her latest book, "The Prisoner of Carrot Castle," has over 40,000 downloads since its launch at the beginning of this month. Her book series uses fantasy and play to encourage children to love their vegetables.
Eating with Elaine It's cherry season and the ripe little stone fruits are all over the region. If you're inundated with cherries or just looking for something new to do with them, Capital Public Radio food reporter Elaine Corn has a great suggestion - preserve them in a simple syrup to use for ice cream sundaes or a classic Manhattan. We'll get the scoop on how to do it, plus a recipe for the chilling cocktail.
"Open Mic Sketchbook" Sacramento Poet Lawrence Dinkins, Jr., a.k.a. NSAA, is releasing his second collection of poetry "Open Mic Sketchbook" tonight as well as his second live recorded poetry CD "Lightning in a Bottle 2: NSAA's Revenge." He stops by our studio to talk about his new release, his influences and the culture of poetry in the Sacramento region.