Thursday, February 16, 2017 |
Sacramento, CA
With a rising cost of living in California, college students are looking to different options to keep a roof over their heads.
Many resort to splitting bedrooms between multiple people to afford higher rent costs, but for some, it is still not enough after the costs that come with being a student.
That stress is causing varying effects on students, ranging from increased depression and anxiety to a feeling a desperation.
The California State University reports about 12 percent of its students are facing homelessness of one sort or another. Sacramento State’s case manager Danielle Munoz works with students on a variety of issues that hinder their lives in and out of school, one of the issues being housing security. She will talk about patterns she’s seeing in students today when it comes to making ends meet.
Director of the Homeless Youth Project Shahera Hyatt will also join to recap a presentation she gave earlier in January about what the added stressed from higher housing costs does to the mental health of college students.
Then, two students who were brought to Danielle will share details of the two very different lives they are leading.
One student had to receive emergency funding from Sacramento State to afford rent for a couple months while another made the choice to stay homeless following a situation where his landlord evicted him and his roommates.