Tuesday, March 14, 2017 |
Sacramento, CA
March 14 is the day where the date numbers equal 3.14, the first three letters for the square root of Pi – spelled p-i. Insight celebrates with pie, spelled p-i-e, specifically pizza pie from the Sacramento area. We take a look at some of the unique pizza restaurants and what original experiences they offer.
Rick Mahan, owner of Waterboy and One Speed Pizza, is a strong believer in keeping a balance in making pizza. He hopes his restaurant will remain a go-to spot for families and people looking for a good meal.
Hot Italian Co-owner Andrea Lepore says her restaurant offers an authentic Italian pizza experience. They import most of their meats and aged cheeses from Italy, and the other co-owner took recipes from his previous pizza restaurants and incorporated them into Hot Italian's repertoire.
Buffalo Pizza & Ice Cream has offered breakfast pizzas for over 30 years to Sacramento area residents. Co-owner Mai Linh Tompkins says the restaurant's goal is to help offer pizza that can be eaten any time of the day while supporting local businesses.